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Join a New Year’s Revolution

Join a New Year’s Revolution

This year I have joined forces with 31 other personal development experts around the world to produce a free e-book and webinar series called ‘New Year’s Revolution.’ Anyone can register for free here. By joining the revolution you will: Receive access to the free...

A New Year; a New You?

As 2013 comes to an end and we face the start of a new chapter, a new leaf, a new segment of our lives that is yet to be decided, it can be the perfect time to stop for a moment and consider how you want your 2014 to pan out. The truth is, life is like a piece of art...

15 Adorable Christmas Animal Pictures

15 Adorable Christmas Animal Pictures

While there are many reasons to get stressed out and exhausted during the final weeks of preparation for Christmas, when we actually reach Christmas day, there’s alot of fun to be had. Today, let’s celebrate all of the amazing things about Xmas – the things that make...

Celebrate 2013 and Win!

In my last post I wrote about how by the time December shows up, we are busy worrying about everything that didn't happen in the year gone by. And so we work ourselves up into a frenzy to try and squeeze every last thing that we can into the year so we feel like we...

35 Meaningful Xmas Gift Ideas

I don't know about you, but over the years I have received alot of really naff Xmas gifts. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, and I don't mean anything by it but I'm just being honest. Sometimes I get a bit riled about the commercial nature of Xmas. It feels like we...

Successful Living

Join a New Year’s Revolution

Join a New Year’s Revolution

This year I have joined forces with 31 other personal development experts around the world to produce a free e-book and webinar series called ‘New Year’s Revolution.’ Anyone can register for free here. By joining the revolution you will: Receive access to the free...

A New Year; a New You?

As 2013 comes to an end and we face the start of a new chapter, a new leaf, a new segment of our lives that is yet to be decided, it can be the perfect time to stop for a moment and consider how you want your 2014 to pan out. The truth is, life is like a piece of art...

15 Adorable Christmas Animal Pictures

15 Adorable Christmas Animal Pictures

While there are many reasons to get stressed out and exhausted during the final weeks of preparation for Christmas, when we actually reach Christmas day, there’s alot of fun to be had. Today, let’s celebrate all of the amazing things about Xmas – the things that make...

Celebrate 2013 and Win!

In my last post I wrote about how by the time December shows up, we are busy worrying about everything that didn't happen in the year gone by. And so we work ourselves up into a frenzy to try and squeeze every last thing that we can into the year so we feel like we...

35 Meaningful Xmas Gift Ideas

I don't know about you, but over the years I have received alot of really naff Xmas gifts. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, and I don't mean anything by it but I'm just being honest. Sometimes I get a bit riled about the commercial nature of Xmas. It feels like we...

Simple Life Strategies

Join a New Year’s Revolution

Join a New Year’s Revolution

This year I have joined forces with 31 other personal development experts around the world to produce a free e-book and webinar series called ‘New Year’s Revolution.’ Anyone can register for free here. By joining the revolution you will: Receive access to the free...

A New Year; a New You?

As 2013 comes to an end and we face the start of a new chapter, a new leaf, a new segment of our lives that is yet to be decided, it can be the perfect time to stop for a moment and consider how you want your 2014 to pan out. The truth is, life is like a piece of art...

15 Adorable Christmas Animal Pictures

15 Adorable Christmas Animal Pictures

While there are many reasons to get stressed out and exhausted during the final weeks of preparation for Christmas, when we actually reach Christmas day, there’s alot of fun to be had. Today, let’s celebrate all of the amazing things about Xmas – the things that make...

Celebrate 2013 and Win!

In my last post I wrote about how by the time December shows up, we are busy worrying about everything that didn't happen in the year gone by. And so we work ourselves up into a frenzy to try and squeeze every last thing that we can into the year so we feel like we...

35 Meaningful Xmas Gift Ideas

I don't know about you, but over the years I have received alot of really naff Xmas gifts. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, and I don't mean anything by it but I'm just being honest. Sometimes I get a bit riled about the commercial nature of Xmas. It feels like we...

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