Find Your Passion

Can I Solve Your Biggest Problem For You?

Can I Solve Your Biggest Problem For You?

I created this blog with the intention of helping others live more fulfilling lives. Sooo….I’ve recently been wondering, what challenges are YOU facing that I can help you to solve? What ONE problem would you like answered right here on this blog? Most people don’t...

How to Enjoy Guilt-free Shopping

How to Enjoy Guilt-free Shopping

I recently watched a really informative keynote by Dr Deepak Chopra who revealed that the number one, (not number two or three), but number one thing that makes people happy is….wait for it…. SHOPPING! Can you believe it? The research showed that shopping was the most...

How to Live Stress Free

How to Live Stress Free

Earlier this year I was interviewed on Lifechange TV by Mark Bowness. You can watch the full interview here where I explain some techniques and tips for stress-free living! Don't forget to register for your free trial of the LESS STRESS course too....

What Jenny Kee said that Brought Me to Tears

What Jenny Kee said that Brought Me to Tears

Have you ever experienced one of those moments where you’re so captivated that your whole being just freezes? Where someone utters a few carefully selected words and BOOM. That’s it. You’ve lost it. Those words have infiltrated every cell in your body and you know...

WIN a Double Pass to Soul Sessions

WIN a Double Pass to Soul Sessions

On Sunday 19th January Soul Sessions will be offering an afternoon of Buddhist wisdom featuring ex-buddhist monk – Chris Dorje Walker , plus Australian fashion icon and practicing Buddhist– Jenny Kee. Held in a beautiful outdoor venue in Freshwater, Sydney, Soul...

Successful Living

Can I Solve Your Biggest Problem For You?

Can I Solve Your Biggest Problem For You?

I created this blog with the intention of helping others live more fulfilling lives. Sooo….I’ve recently been wondering, what challenges are YOU facing that I can help you to solve? What ONE problem would you like answered right here on this blog? Most people don’t...

How to Enjoy Guilt-free Shopping

How to Enjoy Guilt-free Shopping

I recently watched a really informative keynote by Dr Deepak Chopra who revealed that the number one, (not number two or three), but number one thing that makes people happy is….wait for it…. SHOPPING! Can you believe it? The research showed that shopping was the most...

How to Live Stress Free

How to Live Stress Free

Earlier this year I was interviewed on Lifechange TV by Mark Bowness. You can watch the full interview here where I explain some techniques and tips for stress-free living! Don't forget to register for your free trial of the LESS STRESS course too....

What Jenny Kee said that Brought Me to Tears

What Jenny Kee said that Brought Me to Tears

Have you ever experienced one of those moments where you’re so captivated that your whole being just freezes? Where someone utters a few carefully selected words and BOOM. That’s it. You’ve lost it. Those words have infiltrated every cell in your body and you know...

WIN a Double Pass to Soul Sessions

WIN a Double Pass to Soul Sessions

On Sunday 19th January Soul Sessions will be offering an afternoon of Buddhist wisdom featuring ex-buddhist monk – Chris Dorje Walker , plus Australian fashion icon and practicing Buddhist– Jenny Kee. Held in a beautiful outdoor venue in Freshwater, Sydney, Soul...

Simple Life Strategies

Can I Solve Your Biggest Problem For You?

Can I Solve Your Biggest Problem For You?

I created this blog with the intention of helping others live more fulfilling lives. Sooo….I’ve recently been wondering, what challenges are YOU facing that I can help you to solve? What ONE problem would you like answered right here on this blog? Most people don’t...

How to Enjoy Guilt-free Shopping

How to Enjoy Guilt-free Shopping

I recently watched a really informative keynote by Dr Deepak Chopra who revealed that the number one, (not number two or three), but number one thing that makes people happy is….wait for it…. SHOPPING! Can you believe it? The research showed that shopping was the most...

How to Live Stress Free

How to Live Stress Free

Earlier this year I was interviewed on Lifechange TV by Mark Bowness. You can watch the full interview here where I explain some techniques and tips for stress-free living! Don't forget to register for your free trial of the LESS STRESS course too....

What Jenny Kee said that Brought Me to Tears

What Jenny Kee said that Brought Me to Tears

Have you ever experienced one of those moments where you’re so captivated that your whole being just freezes? Where someone utters a few carefully selected words and BOOM. That’s it. You’ve lost it. Those words have infiltrated every cell in your body and you know...

WIN a Double Pass to Soul Sessions

WIN a Double Pass to Soul Sessions

On Sunday 19th January Soul Sessions will be offering an afternoon of Buddhist wisdom featuring ex-buddhist monk – Chris Dorje Walker , plus Australian fashion icon and practicing Buddhist– Jenny Kee. Held in a beautiful outdoor venue in Freshwater, Sydney, Soul...

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How to Build Your Confidence Back Up After Failure

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How to Make Stuff Happen (my 5 step strategy)

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