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How to Innovate Like Steve Jobs

Here’s a small fact you may not know about me. When I was at university in London (a wee while ago now ☺) I was a student of Innovation Studies. We looked at how different cultures innovate, what breeds innovation and what stifles innovation. It was fascinating stuff....

Is it Irresponsible to Follow Your Passion?

You dream of throwing in the towel and pursuing what you really love! You want to unleash your zone of genius, and know that you’re doing the work you were born to do. And yet, there’s a distinct, nagging part of you that feels like it would just be too irresponsible...

How to Escape the Comparison Trap – with Cassie Mendoza Jones

Have you ever fallen into the trap of comparing yourself to others? Maybe you wish you were further ahead in your business, life, relationship or career? It can be so easy to look at others and feel like they’ve got it all sorted out, when the truth is, we’re all just...

F**k it! Do What You Love – John C Parkin Interview

Are you doing what you love? And if not, then why? Today I’m talking with International Hay House author, John C Parkin about how you can do what you love. John is the founder of the F**k it philosophy and he shares with me just why those to words (eff it!) are so...

8 Tips to Be Productive When you’re Overwhelmed

Is your head swimming with so much information that you find it hard to make every day decisions? Do you find yourself with so many tasks that your to-do list is always full? Are you so tired by the end of the day that you collapse in a crumpled heap of exhaustion?...


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