Find Your Passion

Why FOMO is Bad for Your Health

Why FOMO is Bad for Your Health

Have you ever pushed yourself to do something because of a nagging feeling that you might miss out? You know those times where you’re physically exhausted and know that the best solution for you right now is rest, yet you drag yourself out anyway. If this situation...

How to Go with the Flow

How to Go with the Flow

As I write this, sitting in my little wooden hut on retreat in Bali, I feel a distinct sense of peace. What I’ve witnessed over the last few days is that the Balinese, have a lot to offer when it comes to achieving a state of peace. Meet Artur. He’s the smiling...

Wisdom from Dr Seuss | Inspiring Quotes

Wisdom from Dr Seuss | Inspiring Quotes

Most people have heard of the Dr Seuss books, but did you know Dr Seuss was a real-life person? That's right, Theodor Seuss Geisel was not only the author behind the Dr Seuss children's books, he was also a cartoonist and a poet as-well. Theodor published 46...

Light Hearted Life Lessons from the Dancing Man

Light Hearted Life Lessons from the Dancing Man Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending 45 minutes chatting to a rare breath of fresh air otherwise known as ‘The Dancing Man.' That’s right, Tommy Franklin is famous for one thing – dancing. But he doesn’t just dance, he...

Wisdom from Michael Jordan | Inspiring Quotes

Wisdom from Michael Jordan | Inspiring Quotes

Michael Jordan is one of the most famous athletes in the world today. His biography on the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states that "By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest Basketball player of all time."His 'leaping' ability coined him the...

How to Find Love

How to Find Love

If you have ever found yourself searching for love and not been happy with the results then this article might be just what you’re looking for. The thing is, there’s one thing that no one tells us when it comes to finding love. We spend our entire time looking out...

Successful Living

Why FOMO is Bad for Your Health

Why FOMO is Bad for Your Health

Have you ever pushed yourself to do something because of a nagging feeling that you might miss out? You know those times where you’re physically exhausted and know that the best solution for you right now is rest, yet you drag yourself out anyway. If this situation...

How to Go with the Flow

How to Go with the Flow

As I write this, sitting in my little wooden hut on retreat in Bali, I feel a distinct sense of peace. What I’ve witnessed over the last few days is that the Balinese, have a lot to offer when it comes to achieving a state of peace. Meet Artur. He’s the smiling...

Wisdom from Dr Seuss | Inspiring Quotes

Wisdom from Dr Seuss | Inspiring Quotes

Most people have heard of the Dr Seuss books, but did you know Dr Seuss was a real-life person? That's right, Theodor Seuss Geisel was not only the author behind the Dr Seuss children's books, he was also a cartoonist and a poet as-well. Theodor published 46...

Light Hearted Life Lessons from the Dancing Man

Light Hearted Life Lessons from the Dancing Man Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending 45 minutes chatting to a rare breath of fresh air otherwise known as ‘The Dancing Man.' That’s right, Tommy Franklin is famous for one thing – dancing. But he doesn’t just dance, he...

Wisdom from Michael Jordan | Inspiring Quotes

Wisdom from Michael Jordan | Inspiring Quotes

Michael Jordan is one of the most famous athletes in the world today. His biography on the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states that "By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest Basketball player of all time."His 'leaping' ability coined him the...

How to Find Love

How to Find Love

If you have ever found yourself searching for love and not been happy with the results then this article might be just what you’re looking for. The thing is, there’s one thing that no one tells us when it comes to finding love. We spend our entire time looking out...

Simple Life Strategies

Why FOMO is Bad for Your Health

Why FOMO is Bad for Your Health

Have you ever pushed yourself to do something because of a nagging feeling that you might miss out? You know those times where you’re physically exhausted and know that the best solution for you right now is rest, yet you drag yourself out anyway. If this situation...

How to Go with the Flow

How to Go with the Flow

As I write this, sitting in my little wooden hut on retreat in Bali, I feel a distinct sense of peace. What I’ve witnessed over the last few days is that the Balinese, have a lot to offer when it comes to achieving a state of peace. Meet Artur. He’s the smiling...

Wisdom from Dr Seuss | Inspiring Quotes

Wisdom from Dr Seuss | Inspiring Quotes

Most people have heard of the Dr Seuss books, but did you know Dr Seuss was a real-life person? That's right, Theodor Seuss Geisel was not only the author behind the Dr Seuss children's books, he was also a cartoonist and a poet as-well. Theodor published 46...

Light Hearted Life Lessons from the Dancing Man

Light Hearted Life Lessons from the Dancing Man Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending 45 minutes chatting to a rare breath of fresh air otherwise known as ‘The Dancing Man.' That’s right, Tommy Franklin is famous for one thing – dancing. But he doesn’t just dance, he...

Wisdom from Michael Jordan | Inspiring Quotes

Wisdom from Michael Jordan | Inspiring Quotes

Michael Jordan is one of the most famous athletes in the world today. His biography on the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states that "By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest Basketball player of all time."His 'leaping' ability coined him the...

How to Find Love

How to Find Love

If you have ever found yourself searching for love and not been happy with the results then this article might be just what you’re looking for. The thing is, there’s one thing that no one tells us when it comes to finding love. We spend our entire time looking out...

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Finding your passion does not equal happiness

And a Happy Tuesday to you from beautiful Bali... I've been soaking up the relaxing vibes here and learning from the Balinese people - who have a bit of a knack for being happy. It's funny because we seem to have it back to front in the west.. We look at happiness as...

How Authentic Is Your Life Right Now?

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