Little Things

“It’s the little things that I’ll miss. Watching our favorite TV show curled up on the couch together, taking a stroll on the beach, just spending time together doing nothing…”

A very wise woman once said that at her husband’s funeral, and the strength, pride and incredible wisdom of those words has stuck with me ever since.

When hugely devastating things happen to us, like losing someone we love, we somehow pick up the pieces, not realising our own inner strength. And we gain the benefit of clarity.

Clarity to see what matters and clarity to see what life is really all about.

I often think of those words of wisdom when I’m stuck in the grasp of negativity. Because usually I’m worrying about something that ultimately doesn’t matter.

She was so right.

It’s the little things that matter.

Like reading a book in the sunshine, laughing out loud with your friends and hanging out with the people you love.

When I started this blog I didn’t want it to be about success as in ‘wealth’ because as cheesy as it sounds, money doesn’t buy you happiness.

But remembering to be grateful for the little things in life does; the things we usually take for granted, the things that actually give us the most joy in life, even though we often don’t stop to realize it.

Simple Life Strategy: 20 Little Things

I thought I’d share a few ideas of some ‘little things’ in life that might brighten your day. Next time you’re frustrated or annoyed or angry or upset, try one of these on and see if it fits. Or cast your mind back in search of those moments in your life when you’ve felt really happy and content. You might find they’re not the ones you quite expected.

Here are 20 ‘little things’ that might just make you smile. They don’t cost alot but it’s moments like these that really count:

1. Reading the Sunday morning paper.

2. Taking a long beach walk, feeling the sand between your toes and breathing in the fresh ocean air.

3. Spending time stroking a pet (this actually lowers your heart rate and significantly reduces stress)

4. Laughing until you cry.

5. Enjoying a long, hot soak in a bubble bath.

6. Watching a really good movie.

7. Calling a close friend for a chat.

8. Doing your favorite exercise and enjoying the endorphin rush afterwards.

9. Savoring mum’s home cooking.

10. Jumping in the ocean for a swim.

11. Enjoying a lazy breakfast on the weekend.

12. Browsing the shops (sometimes looking is just as good as buying)

13. Turning up your favorite song and singing out loud.

14. Having a lovely cup of tea or a strong coffee.

15. Soaking up the sunshine.

16. Having a refreshing shower.

17. Cooking your favorite meal and enjoying it with someone close to you.

18. Expressing your creativity.

19. The smell of freshly baked bread.

20. Reminiscing with friends about the good times.

What ‘little things’ make you smile?

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Image sourced & adapted from Piccsy.

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