ATTENTION: Ambitious, soul-led women who are looking for more meaning and fulfilment in their work!Introducing the Find a New Career in 30 Days Program With Zoe B YES I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY IN MY CAREER – SIGN UP ME Does this sound familiar? You’re sick of...

OCT18-NEW SALES PAGE ($97×10 or 749)

Introducing the Find a New Career in 30 Days Program With Zoe B Zoe has been featured in Imagine waking up each morning 100% excited and inspired to get to work! Does this sound familiar? > You’re sick of living your life on autopilot, bored and unfulfilled...

OCT18-NEW SALES PAGE ($79×12 or 749)

Introducing the Find a New Career in 30 Days Program With Zoe B Zoe has been featured in Imagine waking up each morning 100% excited and inspired to get to work! Does this sound familiar? > You’re sick of living your life on autopilot, bored and unfulfilled...
Stop Earning Less than you’re Worth

Stop Earning Less than you’re Worth

Can I let you in on a secret? My cat has a vomit problem. She’s been vomiting up hairballs for the last few weeks and my husband is about to flip his lid… So today I went off to the vet to get a solution. As I looked through the premium quality, science-based, fancy...