
If you’re anything like me, trying to figure out your life purpose can be a mixture of pain and confusion.

It’s like a long dark rabbit hole.

Such an overwhelming question to try and answer.

Having gone through the process myself (and assisting a tonne of other people to do it too), I’ve learned ALOT over the past few years and I’d love to share one of the things that I’ve seen helps the most.

Because hopefully, this will make your quest just a little easier.

What I noticed was this; when we try to think about such an overwhelming question on our own, we tend to get in our own way.

We put too much pressure on ourselves and wind up blocking a lot of our own inner knowledge.

Things get confusing and don’t make much sense anymore.

So, naturally, we tend to stop trying to do it all ourselves and look for support.

But when it comes to choosing who to ask for support – I’ve seen a pattern that will literally result in either success or failure.

Because if you choose the wrong person, instead of feeling clearer, you can end up taking a few steps backwards.

When people come to me for career change advice, often the first thing they will tell me is that they have asked a friend or family member for advice and it didn’t go down well.

More often than not, they were discouraged by someone close to them and pressured into staying in their existing job.

Instead of encouragement, this person high-lighted all the reasons why they should not go for it and follow their dreams.

What this does is create a whole load of fear, doubt and confusion. Maybe you had a few ideas about what you wanted to do with your life, but now your not so sure.

You’ve been put off.

Seriously – asking those around us is not always a good idea when trying to figure out what we really want to do with our lives.

And here’s why.

While our friends & family love us dearly and want the best for us they:

  1. usually haven’t figured out their own life purpose or dream career
  2. naturally like to protect us and keep us safe

It’s like this: Would you ask a butcher for advice on selling IT products?

Probably not.

Then why ask your friends & family for advice on finding your purpose or vocation in life?

They probably haven’t been through it.

They don’t have the knowledge or experience that you’re looking for.

And they can often poo poo new ideas which will only put you off and keep you stuck.

They can project their own fears onto us (everything that keeps them stuck in their jobs).

And on an unconscious level, they want us to stay in our safe comfortable jobs (that are slowly killing us) because then they don’t have to worry about us.

So – bad idea. Especially if you have friends or family who are ‘traditional’ or naturally ‘play it safe’.

If you want advice on this stuff, then the only way to go is to get support from someone who has gone through the process themselves and has tips that will actually help you.

You don’t want an opinion – you want some intelligent input!

So be sure to find someone that you connect with and trust to give you sound advice in this space.

And leave your friends and family out of it!

On that note, I’ve got some exciting news to share with you…

I’ve decided to launch an online, self study version of my career change program.

This is the exact same program that I currently use with my 1:1 private career coaching clients.

I’m launching it because I noticed alot of people wanted a budget-friendly career change option.


I’m not even joking. I was up at 3am today thinking about it.

So I guess that means either I’m an insomniac or I’m really passionate about this thing.

I’m hoping it’s the latter 🙂

Because it literally breaks me in two to see so many smart people in soul-sucking jobs when they could be doing work that they really LOVE.

Especially when I’ve witnessed so many people get out of their hundrum jobs and find new careers.

Once you know this is a possibility for EVERYONE, you kind of feel obliged to do your bit to help.

So if you’re sick of your job then I invite you to check out my online program to see if it’s right for you, because it literally covers EVERYTHING you’ll need to know about finding your purpose and a career you LOVE.

It’s the exact system I’ve used to help tonnes of private clients successfully change careers.

AND…I’ve worked really hard to make it super affordable so EVERYONE can get involved.

It’s coming in the new year.

I CANNOT WAIT to share it with you!

So stay tuned…

And in the mean time, please, please, please, don’t rely solely on talking to your friends and family about what you want to do with your life.

Know someone who’s wanting to change careers? Share this post with them!

With Love,

Zoe B

PS: In January, I’m also going to be hosting a free online Masterclass on career change so look out for this! It will be jam packed with AMAZING tips & strategies on finding your purpose and a new career you LOVE.

PS ~ Sick of working just to pay the bills? Get my most popular, FREE online training here: My 3 Step process To Find A More Meaningful Career.

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