Here’s the thing about Life.
It just happens.
That is…unless you make a conscious decision to create what you want.
So I’ve got a question for you.
What do YOU want?
And yet these four short words are seldom uttered.
What do YOU want?
Do you know?
Do you even have an inkling?
Because most of us don’t.
But what we don’t realize is what this is costing us.
This lack of clarity is costing us success.
It’s costing us happiness.
And it’s costing us fulfillment in life.
And all because we don’t know the answer to those four words.
Don’t worry.
It’s not your fault.
You see, no one teaches us this stuff.
We just forage our way through life, reacting to things that happen, swerving some things, embracing others.
But it’s this basic lack of planning that can see us ending up at the end of our life, in an unsatisfying career, feeling a bit empty.
Feeling like we missed a trick.
Like there was something else were supposed to have done.
Something with more meaning.
Here’s the good news.
You’ve still got time my friend!
And the world is your oyster.
Because once you KNOW what you want, all you have to do is go get it.
I have a favourite saying.
If you’ve worked with me before, you’ll know this one well.
Clarity = success
The more laser-sharp your focus is on what you want out of life, the easier it will be for you to get it.
A simple, yet effective strategy.
But one that takes practice.
Steve Jobs knew this.
He applied a laser-sharp focus on each and every product innovation at Apple.
And this guaranteed him success.
He knew exactly what he wanted to create.
He got specific.
And made it happen.
Eliminate the confusion and replace it with clarity and you are guaranteed success.
This doesn’t mean ignore those out of the blue opportunities that present themselves along the way.
Hell no.
We must retain our laser sharp focus with one eye open, constantly looking for opportunities.
We must stay open minded as we forge ahead.
So today, I have a proposition for you.
Take 10 minutes out of your busy day.
Turn EVERYTHING off. (yes that means your phone)
And think about what you want out of your life.
Get really clear and specific.
And then go get it.
Simple Life Strategy: A 10 Minute Activity to get your Life Back on Track
- Schedule in some time to work out what you want
- Minimise distractions (switch everything off)
- Get clear about what you don’t want
- And then get clear about what you DO want
- Now go get it. Put together a list of 5 things you can do over the next week to start making things happen
- Be sure to include deadlines on the action points on your list
- And finally – prioritise. Make space for these things to happen. Even if that means compromising other things in the short term.
If you’re looking for some clarity & direction in life, I have a strategic process that I use with clients to get them 100% clear and certain about what kind of life they want to create. And then, together we hatch a plan to make it happen.
Drop me a line below to arrange a complimentary chat about how this could work for you.
Zoe B
PS if you’re not based in Sydney, fear not – skype consults are available.
PS ~ Sick of working just to pay the bills? Get my most popular, FREE online training here: My 3 Step process To Find A More Meaningful Career.
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