Richard Branson career Quote

Now I have some very exciting news to share with you …but before I do, I want to talk about one of my all time favourite people…Richard Branson (for the impatient ones who can’t wait..scroll down).

Not only has Branson achieved SO MUCH as one of the world’s most famous entrepreneurs, he also clearly LOVES what he does every single day.

AND…he always looks like he’s having SO MUCH FUN.

Throughout my own career journey, there have been many times where I’ve leaned on his words of wisdom.

I think it’s so so important to have mentors to lift you up as you go after your dream career, because, lets face it – it’s not always an easy journey.

It’s crucial to surround yourself with people who HAVE done what you want to achieve (not those who haven’t).

And I guess, for me, Branson, while I’ve never met him, has always been one of those ‘virtual mentors.’

I’ve read his biographies and watched and read countless interviews with him.

So today I thought I’d share some of his most inspiring quotes to help lift your spirits on your own career journey.

I’ve chosen the ones that have been most meaningful to me – but I’d love to hear from you, which ones resonate with you in the comments under the post.

1. “You don’t learn to walk by following the rules, you learn by doing and falling over.”

I guess this really talks to the topic of failure.

And how crucial it is to embrace failure if you want to succeed. In-fact I have a saying that ‘failure is a pre-requisite for success.”

It‘s so true right?

Failure is a natural part of our evolution – we cannot grow and learn without failing.

Just like we would never learn to walk without falling over first, sometimes on our career paths we have to learn what we don’t enjoy doing before we can learn what we really do enjoy.

No point getting judgmental about our failures, best to just learn from them and move on.

2.“My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them.”

I don’t know if you know this, but when Branson was a young boy, his mother used to drop him off in a field miles away from home and challenge him to find his own way home.

Isn’t that amazing?

And you can see how this experience led him to view challenges in a positive way.

He LEARNED early on that challenges are fun and can always be beat!

I’ve noticed in my own career journey that when I pick a big challenge (like for example my first challenge was to attract 10,000 people to my blog) – when I view this as fun – it becomes so much more of an enjoyable process.

So I would urge you to view the journey or challenge of finding your dream career as a fun process – and you’ll be surprised how different your experience is.

3.“There’s no greater thing you can do with your life than follow your passions in a way that serves the world and you.”

Hand on heart, this statement is everything I believe about life.

I believe that the purpose of our lives is to understand who we are, what our strengths and passions are and to create a life and career that aligns with those things – in a way that positively contributes to the planet.

This is what I believe to be a successful life.

I’ve experienced it for myself and I have to say, I’ve never felt more fulfilled and happy.

So maybe like me, you can take on board Richard Branson’s advice and just take one or two tiny steps towards your dream career today.

Whether that be simply taking 10 minutes out of your schedule to brainstorm career ideas or taking the time to cultivate a better level of self –awareness around what your natural strengths are – just do something.

Your life matters.

You deserve to do work that you LOVE, so start small, but start somewhere.

~~ Important announcement! ~~

For those of you who are feeling like you have NO IDEA where to start – stay tuned to your inbox because next week I have a very exciting free career resource for you!

I’ve spent the last few months getting it ready for you…in-fact I think it’s probably the BEST career resource I’ve ever created and it’s 100% free for everyone. I can’t wait to share it with you! (squeal!)

In the mean time, tell me in the comments below – which of Richard Branson’s quotes resonated with YOU the most?

With love

Zoe B

PS: STAY TUNED for my most exciting FREE career resource ever coming your way next week! I know I just mentioned it – but I couldn’t help it!

PPS: Are we Facebook pals? Hop on over to the Simple Life Strategies FB page if not! I’m in there all the time giving away free career advice

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